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Zimbra Tips : How To Backup Mailbox Daily, Weekly and Monthly

For backup mailbox, i am usually using zmmailbox command who has been provided by Zimbra. The command usually will backup all mailbox on the users. But in this case, i want to backup mailbox daily, weekly, monthly or by certain time/date. For to do that, i could using the simple script and execute every night by crontab.
# Make file backup-mailbox.sh in /srv directory
1.vi /srv/backup-mailbox.sh
Fill with the following line

## Backup Format 

## Backup location

## Folder name for backup and using date
DATE=`date +"%d%m%y"`

## Backup location separate by date

## zmmailbox location

### Backup Option ###

## Based on few day ago until today, example 7 days ago

#HARI=`date --date='7 days ago' +"%m/%d/%Y"`

## Based on certain date , example 21 Jan 2015.


## Based from/to certain date. Example Backup Mailbox before 21 Jan 2015 and after 10 Jan 2015

#query="&query=after:01/10/2015 before:01/21/2015"

if [ ! -d $ZDUMPDIR ]; then
        mkdir -p $ZDUMPDIR

## Looping Account Zimbra
for account in `su - zimbra -c 'zmprov -l gaa | sort'`
echo "Processing mailbox $account backup..."
        $ZMBOX -z -m $account getRestURL "//?fmt=${FORMAT}$query" > $ZDUMPDIR/$account.${FORMAT}

echo "Zimbra Mailbox backup has been completed successfully."
Note : The above script has 3 method backup. First backup by few days ago. Second backup by certain date and third backup based on from/to certain date. Don’t forget to remove # 1 of 3 method what do you want. Save the script and give execution access
1.chmod +x /srv/backup-mailbox.sh
2.sh /srv/backup-mailbox.sh
If you want to execute every night, you can place the script in the crontab for automatically execute
Good luck and hopefully useful 😀
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