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Install Nano Server 2016

Windows Server 2016 has a new installation option: Nano Server . It is a remotely managed server operating system optimized for data centers and private clouds. It is similar to Windows Server in Server Core mode , but it is much smaller, has no local logon capabilities, and only supports 64bits agents, tools, and applications.

Unfortunately, you can not simply mount the image of Windows Server 2016 and choose Nano Server as the desired edition. To deploy Nano Server, you need to prepare custom images using the newly introduced PowerShell cmdlets and modules.

The strong points of a Nano Server: 
It takes up a lot less disk space 
Installs much faster 
Needs a lot less updates and reboot 
Very fast startup 

What you need : 
Download the evaluation version here: evaluate-windows-server-2016
A Microsoft tool that you can test, Nano Server Image Builder: Nano Server Image Builder
Download Windows Server 2016
Fit the ISO Server 2016

The Windows Server 2016 image contains a Nano Server folder and a Nano.wim image . Nano Server Image Builder needs access to these OS system folders and files to build a custom Nano Server image .

That's why you have to mount the ISO (Daemon Tools) and copy the NanServer folder and put it in a location of your choice (easily accessible)
Image creation with PowerShell
PowerShell command

Start Windows PowerShell. We will load the module New-NanoServerImage from the NanoServer directory that you copied from the Windows Server 2016 ISO.

Open the script below from Windows PowerShell ISE. The following services will be installed in addition to: 
Web server (IIS) 
DNS service 

$ path = "F: \ ISO" // This is where the NanoServer folder copied from the Windows Server 2016 ISO
$ NanoVHDPath = "F: \ ISO \ NanoServer.vhd" 
$ BasePath = ". \ Base " 
$ DeploymentType = " Host " 
$ Edition = " Standard " 
$ MaxSize = 20GB 
$ Computername = " pixelabs " 
$ password =" password " 
$ SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $ password -AsPlainText -Force 
$ ServerPackages = " Microsoft-NanoServer-Host -Package " ,
"Microsoft-NanoServer-IIS-Package" , 
"Microsoft-NanoServer-DNS-Package" , 
# ------------------ ------- 
New NanoServerImage -DeploymentType $ DeploymentType ` -Edition $ Edition ` -MediaPath $ path ` -BasePath $ BasePath ` -TargetPath $ NanoVHDPath ` -maxsize $ MaxSize ` -ComputerName $ Computername ` 

-package $ ServerPackages ` 
-EnableRemoteManagementPort ` 
-AdministratorPassword $ SecurePassword ` 
# -------------------------

Since the Shell part at the bottom, position yourself on the directory NanoServer > NanoServerImageGenerator 
cd F:\ISO\NS2016\NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator 
Import-Module .\NanoServerImageGenerator -Verbose 

Run the script: F5

Wait until the following message is displayed:

PS F: \ ISO \ NS2016 \ NanoServer \ NanoServerImageGenerator> C: \ Users \ Pixel \ Desktop \ NanoServer.ps1 
Done. The log is at: F: \ ISO \ NS2016 \ NanoServer \ NanoServerImageGenerator \ Base \ Logs \ 2018-03-17_11-17-14-77
VM Nano Server

I will just use Oracle VM Virtualbox for the virtual machine. It's very fast. 
New VM 
Name: Nano Server 
Type: Microsoft Windows 
Version: Windows 2016 (64-bit) 
Memory size: 1 GB 
Hard Disk : Using an Existing Virtual Hard Disk File 
Select the VHD file you just created via PowerShell: NanoServer.vhd 
Validate the creation of the VM (Create) 
Go to VM Settings: Network > Select Bridge Access 
Start Nano Server

Start the VM : After a few seconds, the login page appears. Sign in. (the keyboard is in QWERTY )

User: Administrator
Pass: password

Recovery Console:

Use the keyboard and tab keys to navigate.

Here I stop friends, below a simple method to create a bootable USB key via the Microsoft Nano Server Image Builder tool. It's up to you to test it.

See you soon,

Download Nano Server Image Builder 
Installing NS Image Builder

Note: Nano Server Image Builder did not work for me , I have the image and after installation, arriving at the login screen, I can not do anything, the keyboard is not recognized .

Download the Nano Server Image Builder tool by clicking on the link below then install by default. Nothing complicated

Nano Server Prerequisites

The procedure is quite simple. All you need to install as a prerequisite is two features: 

Windows Assessment 
Deployment Kit 

When you launch the tool, it asks you to install them. Click OK. 
Choose a location for installation: 
Check the No box and click Next . 
Accept the License. 
Tick ​​the two features in question: (you can leave the other boxes checked if you wish, in this case, it must provide more than 6 GB of disk space 
Click on Install 
Have a coffee  
Image Creation / Bootable USB Stick 
Create bootable USB media

When done, restart Nano Server Image Builder . Two choices are available to you. 
Create a new Nano Server image 
Create bootable USB media 

If you plan to install Nano Server on a physical server, choose the 2nd option (bootable USB key). Here we will create a bootable USB key. 
So click on Create bootable USB media 
Click on: Next > x2 
Select the file NanoServer.win : it is in the ISO file of Windows Server 2016> NanoServer> NanoServer.wim 
after a few seconds, it displays information about the ISO. 

Click on: Next > 
Select your USB drive from the list: USB drives available 
Click on: Next > 
Choose the boot mode: UEFI - For a VM under Virtualbox, choose BIOS 
Nano Server will automatically create the necessary partitions that you can of course edit. 

Click on: Next > 
Summarize it, click Create 

Wait for the bootable key to be created: Job success must be displayed under the progress bar. 
You can then create the image from the USB key. 
Put in the Create a bootable ISO ... field : the path + the output name with the extension .ISO > Example: C: \ server \ NanoServer_en .iso 
Click Create 
Done, the ISO is 446 MB 
Nano Server Virtual Machine 
Start Nano Server

I will just use Oracle VM Virtualbox for the virtual machine. 
New VM 
Name: Nano Server 
Type: Microsoft Windows 
Version: Windows 2016 (64-bit) 
Memory size: 1 GB 
Create a virtual disk now 
Hard disk file type: VDI 
Dynamically allocated 
Size: 15 GB 
Validate the creation of the VM 

Note: When creating the Nano Server image, we selected the UEFI boot mode . Under Virtualbox, this mode is not enabled by default. Go to the settings of the VM Nano Server and activate the UEFI mode: Settings > Enable EFI (Special OS only), despite this option, it may not work. 
Go to: Storage > Select the ISO Nano Server 
Go to: Network > Select Access by bridge 

Start the VM : Warning: Without the US keyboard, we can not go very far unfortunately, this tool does not work properly ... At startup, we can not do anything. Hoping for a quick update ...

You can of course test on your side and tell me about your results.

See you soon for the next chapter> Administering Nano Server via PowerShell
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