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Squidguard.conf example

This configuration file is set up so that the Webmin module will at least attempt to manage it. That is why all of the list definitions start with bl_ and that is also why the dbhome specfication may be a little different than the default.

#  You will need to change "whatever.cgi" to:
#  You will need to change all occurences of "" to the address of your server

dbhome /usr/local/squidguard/db/blacklists
logdir /var/log/squidguard


destination bl_ok {
domainlist ok/domains

destination bl_notok {
domainlist notok/domains
redirect whatever.cgi
log stopped.log

destination bl_ads {
domainlist ads/domains
urllist ads/urls
log ads.log

destination bl_drugs {
domainlist drugs/domains
urllist drugs/urls
redirect whatever.cgi
log stopped.log

destination bl_gambling {
domainlist gambling/domains
urllist gambling/urls
redirect whatever.cgi
log stopped.log

destination bl_hacking {
domainlist hacking/domains
urllist hacking/urls
log stopped.log
redirect whatever.cgi

destination bl_porn {
domainlist porn/domains
urllist porn/urls
expressionlist porn/expressions
redirect whatever.cgi
log stopped.log

destination bl_violence {
domainlist violence/domains
urllist violence/urls
redirect whatever.cgi
log stopped.log

destination bl_warez {
domainlist warez/domains
urllist warez/urls
log stopped.log
redirect whatever.cgi

src super {
user root

src adults {
user mom dad administrator

src kids {
user guest buffy skipper todd

time authtime {
weekly s 06:00 - 23:30
weekly a 07:00 - 23:59
weekly f 07:00 - 23:59
weekly mtwh 07:00 - 22:30

acl {
super {
pass all
adults {
pass bl_ok !bl_notok !bl_ads !bl_drugs !bl_gambling !bl_hacking !bl_porn !bl_violence !bl_warez all
kids within authtime {
pass bl_ok !bl_notok !bl_ads !bl_drugs !bl_gambling !bl_hacking !bl_porn !bl_violence !bl_warez all
else {
pass none
redirect whatever.cgi
default {
pass none
redirect whatever.cgi
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