Configuring NAT on a J-series Juniper box is pretty well documented in the Juniper documentation. I mean.. VERY well documented in a way nobody seems to get the whole point about NAT’ting on the box.
The most straightforward NAT configuration is never being discussed anywhere in the documentation and that makes it pretty hard to get it to work. After some braincracks, i finally managed to get it to work in a way i want it.
The usual CPE setup applies here, so we have one single public IP address on the outside and an RFC1918 subnet on the inside interface. Our default gateway resides at Our mailserver is at, doing only SMTP.
Alright, now we know how to setup the network, let’s configure the J-box. Forget the J-web interface as we’re not going to use it. JunOS CLI it is.
Please note that i’m not running JunOS enhanced services in this example. With ES it should be a little more straightforward and easier to configure, but i just wanted it to run on the plain vanilla JunOS 9.1
Please note that i’m not running JunOS enhanced services in this example. With ES it should be a little more straightforward and easier to configure, but i just wanted it to run on the plain vanilla JunOS 9.1
Log in to the box, and start configuring the default stuff:
remco@router> configure remco@router# set system host-name myrouter remco@router# set system domain-name remco@router# set root-authentication plain-text-password Enter your password here for root access. remco@router# set domain-search remco@router# set time-zone Europe/Amsterdam remco@router# set location country-code nl remco@router# set system name-server remco@router# set system login user remco uid 2000 class super-user authentication plain-text-password Enter your user password to enter the CLI. remco@router# set system services ssh
Alright. We’re all set. Now let’s configure the interfaces. Let’s say ge-0/0/0 is our outside WAN interface and ge-0/0/1 is the inside LAN interface.
remco@router# edit interfaces ge-0/0/0 [edit interfaces ge-0/0/0] remco@router# set description "WAN" remco@router# set unit 0 family inet address remco@router# top [edit] remco@router# edit interfaces ge-0/0/1 [edit interfaces ge-0/0/1] remco@router# set description "LAN" remco@router# set unit 0 family inet address remco@router# top [edit] remco@router# set routing-options static route next-hop
Ok. Our basic setup is completed. Let’s configure NAT. We have an internal server at which does SMTP, so we need to configure 2 things:
- NAT from LAN to the WAN (overload)
- NAT port forwarding from WAN to SMTP on the LAN
Shouldn’t be to difficult.
remco@router# edit services service-set wan-service-set [edit services service-set wan-service-set] remco@router# set nat-rules nat-outgoing remco@router# set nat-rules nat-incoming remco@router# set interface-service service-interface sp-0/0/0.0 remco@router# up [edit services] remco@router# edit nat [edit services nat] remco@router# set pool nat-pool address-range low high remco@router# set pool nat-pool port automatic remco@router# edit rule nat-outgoing [edit services nat rule nat-outgoing] remco@router# set match-direction output remco@router# set term 1 then translated source-pool nat-pool remco@router# set term 1 then translated translation-type source dynamic remco@router# up [edit services nat] remco@router# edit rule nat-incoming [edit services nat rule nat-incoming] remco@router# set match-direction input remco@router# set term smtp from destination-address remco@router# set term smtp from applications junos-smtp remco@router# set term smtp then translated destination-prefix remco@router# set term smtp then translated translation-type destination static remco@router# set term other from destination-address remco@router# set term other then no-translation
Alright. This looks like a little confusing. It all comes down to the following.
- Create a service-set named “wan-service-set”, which holds our nat rules “nat-outgoing” and “nat-incoming”. Services needs a virtual services interface. In this case, the default is sp-0/0/0.0.
- In the NAT configuration, we create a pool, which holds one single public IP address ( The ports are dynamically assigned.
- Our outgoing NAT rule is used to translate our internal traffic to the Internet on the public address. Our source pool is the pool we just created.
- Our incoming NAT rule is used to translate incoming SMTP traffic to our internal SMTP server at
- We use the application “helper” junos-smtp instead of creating our own application. The result is the same.
- Other incoming traffic won’t be translated (this is important to include).
We now need to configure the service-set “wan-service-set” to the interface we do the translation on, which is the outside interface ge-0/0/0.
remco@router# top [edit] remco@router# edit interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet [edit interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family inet] remco@router# set service input service-set wan-service-set remco@router# set service output service-set wan-service-set
Alright, that’s about it. You can commit the configuration now with the “commit” command.
Your configuration will now look like this :
remco@router# top
remco@router# show
## Last changed: 2008-07-17 21:13:49 CEST version 9.1R1.8; system { host-name myrouter; domain-name; domain-search; time-zone Europe/Amsterdam; location country-code nl; root-authentication { encrypted-password "**************"; ## SECRET-DATA } name-server {;; } login { user remco { uid 2000; class super-user; authentication { encrypted-password "***********"; ## SECRET-DATA } } } services { ssh { } } } interfaces { ge-0/0/0 { description "WAN"; unit 0 { family inet { service { input { service-set wan-service-set; } output { service-set wan-service-set; } } address; } } } sp-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet; } } ge-0/0/1 { description "LAN"; unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } routing-options { static { route next-hop; } } services { service-set wan-service-set { nat-rules nat-outgoing; nat-rules nat-incoming; interface-service { service-interface sp-0/0/0.0; } } nat { pool nat-pool { address-range low high; port automatic; } rule nat-outgoing { match-direction output; term 1 { then { translated { source-pool nat-pool; translation-type { source dynamic; } } } } } rule nat-incoming { match-direction input; term smtp { from { destination-address {; } applications junos-smtp; } then { translated { destination-prefix; translation-type { destination static; } } } } term other { from { destination-address {; } } then { no-translation; } } } } }
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