After migrating quotas that has been explained on previous article, i am also should be migrated signature from old Zimbra to the new Zimbra. The following is what i do for migrating signature from old to the new Zimbra
Export (on the old Zimbra)
# Create simple script for retrieve information of signature
cd /srv/ mkdir sig vi
Fill with the following line
#!/bin/bash clear mkdir -p /tmp/sig echo "Retrieve zimbra user name..." USERS=`su - zimbra -c 'zmprov -l gaa | sort'`; for ACCOUNT in $USERS; do NAME=`echo $ACCOUNT`; sign=`su - zimbra -c "zmprov ga $NAME zimbraPrefMailSignature" > /tmp/sig/$NAME` sed -i -e "1d" /tmp/sig/$NAME sed 's/zimbraPrefMailSignature: //g' /tmp/sig/$NAME > sig/$NAME rm /tmp/sig/$NAME echo "Export signature for $NAME..." done echo "All signature has been export successfully"
# Save and execute
chmod +x sh
The all result of above command are files which is saved in /srv/sig folder. Copy sig folder to the new Zimbra
Import (on the new Zimbra)
Assuming sig folder is placed in /srv/ folder. Make the simple script for importing signature who has been exported
cd /srv/ vi
Fill with the following line
for file in /srv/sig/* do StrSign=`cat "$file"` Acc=`echo $file | cut -d "/" -f5` su - zimbra -c "zmprov ma $Acc zimbraPrefMailSignature '$StrSign'" echo "Process import signature $Acc" done echo "Process import signature has been finished"
Note : The signature who has been export/import is only text signature (not include html). Until now, i am have not yet found how to export html signature from Zimbra 

Good luck and hopefully useful 

Thanks to : Masim “Vavai” Sugianto at
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