Distributed Port group is also referred asdvportGroup which represents a group of dvports that can share the same configuration template. This configuration is inherited from the dvportgroup to the dvports. This post helps you to guide step by step procedure to create distributed port group (dvportgroup) on your distributed switch.
Select your distributed switch from vSphere web client and click on Actions tab, Select New Distributed Port Group
Provide the Name for your Distributed port Group. I have provided name as DVPG-Management Network and click on Next
This page will allow us to configure the distributed port group settings like Port Binding, Port allocation, Network resource Pool, VLAN type and also allow you to specify the number of ports for this port group. I will discuss in detailed about all the settings in upcoming posts. I have accepted all the default settings and to proceed with the next steps , click on Next.
Review your selections and click on finish to complete the creation of distributed port group.
In the below screen, You can see the Distributed port group ” DVPG-Management Network” is created on our Distributed switch “DSwitch-Production:.
I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading!!! Be Social and share it to social media if you feel worth sharing it.
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