One of the most under-utilized areas of vTiger is its Report Writer.
The Report Writer can be found on the Analytics menu and comes with a series of preset reports across many of the modules. The report writer can generate reports from almost every module and can pull information from all related modules. The reports can also filter information and present it in Tabular or Summary formats. To demonstrate how a report can be constructed, let’s create a simple single module report utilizing the Contacts module.
From the Reports module, click on the + icon to create a new report.
Select module Contacts and click Create
Enter a Report Name: Contact Report Washington
Enter a Description: all contacts in Washington State, Assigned to Northwest Group
Click Next
You are then presented with the opportunity to select a Related Module. This allows you to pull data from any modules associated with your primary report module. For the purposes of this exercise, we won’t select a Related Module.
Click Next
You are now given the option of Tabular or Summary Report. As we want to summarize by City, choose Summary Report
Click Next
From the Available Fields select the fields you wish to include in your report. (Note: you can select multiple fields at the same time by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT keys while selecting) Once you have the fields selected, click the [Add>] button between the columns. (Note: You can change the order of the fields by selecting a field then clicking the up or down arrow icons.
Click Next
As this is a Summary Report, we now select the fields we wish to Summarize by. On this report I’ll Summarize by Mailing City, then by Assigned to. If you have numeric fields in your report, you can now choose which fields you wish to Calculate on. You can choose Sum, Average, Lowest Value, Largest Value.
Click Next
Now we choose filters to streamline our report; to include only the information we require. From the Advanced Filters let’s choose Mailing State – Equals – WA
We can then add New Conditions utilizing the Boolean operators AND /OR
Next Condition will be Assigned to – Equals – Northwest (Note: assigned to can be an User or a Group)
Select the ‘AND’ operator. So your report will only include data where State = WA ‘AND’ Records are Assigned to ‘Northwest’ Group.
Click Next
The next option allows you to share the report publically, with selected groups or users, or to keep the report private. Select Public
Click Next
You can schedule to report to run automatically at preset intervals. These reports can be emailed directly to users or groups in PDF or Excel formats (or both). For this exercise we’ll skip scheduling the report.
Click Finish
The completed reports displays but can also be saved as a PDF or Excel file, or printed.
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